Installation of electricity, plumbing and underfloor heating
20 January 2009 - Comments (1) | Construction |
Electric and plumbing installation is finished in Amadeo. The installation of verticals and manifolds for the underfloor heating system is also done.
All pipes and cabling are passed on the floor which has been covered with light concrete. The underfloor heating system will be installed on top. All that installation was a big job performed with brio by Kombo.
Electric installation
Electric installation starts with lot of destruction, as walls have to be digged to pass cables for switches, plugs and lights. The most digging occured to make space for electric boards gathering all cables.
Making space for electric cables and boards in the walls.
On the other hand, the distribution via electric cables is done entirely on the floor which saves lot of digging in the walls.
Distribution of electric cables on the floor.
In the corridor, underfloor heating, fancoil and water distributions add up with the electric distribution.
Underfloor heating, fancoil and electric distribution in the corridor.
All electricital connections for the complete building are gathered in a large board, located in the corridor after the entrance door. This board is then connected to the standard board outside.
Connection to the electric board outside.
Water installation
Vertical canalization pipes have been insulated against noise using Armacell Tubolit AR Fonoblok. In combination with rubber fixations, this solution guarantees minimum noise transmission from those pipes.
Sound insulation of canalization pipes.
Verticals for water distribution have been insulated using Armacell Armaflex AC. From the water manifolds, distribution to the individual taps is also insulated with a lighter material.
Sanitary water manifolds in the bathroom. Those manifolds serves hot and cold water for one apartment. There are 2 manifolds for the hot water: 1 for distribution and 1 for recirculation.
Distribution of sanitary water goes in the bathroom and in the kitchen for the kitchen tap and dishwater connection.
Distribution of sanitary water in one bathroom.
Underfloor heating and fancoil
Underfloor heating verticals and manifolds are completely insulated using Armacell Armaflex AC. The job on the manifolds is particularly impressive.
Underfloor heating manifolds insulated using Armacell Armaflex AC.
From the verticals, 4 pipes are needed for 1 apartement: 2 for the underfloor heating and cooling, and 2 for the fancoil.
Distribution for underfloor heating and fancoil for one apartment.
Each apartment has a connection for a fancoil device that can be used for heating and cooling. When used for cooling, the fancoil device also removes moisture from the air by condensing water vapour. That condensed water is evacuated using the third smaller pipe.
Connection for a fancoil device in one apartment. 2 pipes for the circulation of hot/cold water and one small pipes for the evacuation of water that condensates in summer when the fancoil is used for cooling.
Light concrete
Once the installation is finished, we put a layer of 12cm of light concrete (Baumit ThermoStep Rapid) to cover it. Light concrete is excellent for sound and thermal insulation and provide a base for the other layers.
Baumit ThermoStep Rapid in the mixing pump.
Floor with all installation before light concrete.
Floor after light concrete.
Re: Installation of electricity, plumbing and underfloor heating