Underground parking of Amadeo II is finished
06 December 2009 - Comments (0) | Construction |
We finished the second ground floor of the underground parking of Amadeo II. We also did the hydro-insulation of the walls. We are now actively working to finish the surrounding walls, the ramps and the water and canalization revision access before winter. We also got the first batch of Zorka Opeka KLIMABLOC. We will soon starts the walls of the building.
The biggest work was to finish the second ground floor to complete the underground parking. That was done at the end of last month.
Underground parking of Amadeo II is finished.
We then worked on the hydro-insulation of the walls and the protective brick wall in front.
Building protective brick wall in front of the hydro-insulation.
Hydro-insulation of the walls finished. It is possible to distinguish the water and canalization revision access.
We now work on the wall toward the neighboring plot and along the second ramp of Amadeo II.
Working of the wall toward neighboring plot.
The geothermal probes have been passed inside the underground parking.
Geothermal probes entering the underground parking of Amadeo II.
Last, the first batch of Zorka Opeka KLIMABLOC has been delivered on Amadeo II slab. Ready to be used.
Zorka Opeka KLIMABLOC delivered on Amadeo II slab.