Plumbing installation

Rehau flexible pipework system with PE-Xa pipes

Beodom chose to work with Rehau flexible pipework system for all plumbing work. Rehau system is based on RAUTITAN pipes together with the Everlock system and Rehau manifolds.

Rehau RAUTITAN Flex universal pipe

Rehau RAUTITAN Flex universal pipe (photo Beodom).

RAUTITAN high density cross-linked polyethylene PE-Xa pipes replace advantageously copper or PVC pipes. The complete Rehau system for plumbing is amongst the best systems currently available.

Rehau manifolds for sanitary water

Rehau manifolds for sanitary water. 2 manifolds are for hot water distribution and recirculation and 1 manifold (bottom) is for cold water distribution. Pipes are insulated with Armaflex AC (photo Beodom).

RAUTITAN pipes provide years of consistent flow and water pressure. They do not corrode, resist scaling and deposit build-up. Unlike metal pipes, they expand to minimize pressure surges, are more quiet, and they are freeze-resistant. The fact there are less fittings provide less possibilities for leaks.

Here is a video from Rehau showing Rautitan pipes and fittings system under stress.

Armacell pipe insulation

Insulating water and heating pipes is absolutly essential to prevent energy losses and condensation. For sanitary hot water, the insulation preserves the temperature of hot water from the water cylinder to the tap, providing better comfort as water stay hot in the pipe when not used and saving energy. For cold water pipes, the insulation preserves the temperature of cold water and prevents the risk of condensation on the pipe.

Armacell Armaflex AC and HT/Armaflex

Armacell Armaflex AC and HT/Armaflex (photo Beodom).

We use Armacell solutions for insulating all pipes. For sanitary water and heating, we use Armaflex AC which provides excellent thermal insulation together with vapour barrier and condensation protection. For specific applications, such as the connection to solar collectors, where temperature can exceed 100 degree celsius, we use HT/Armaflex specifically designed to handle higher temperatures.

Armacell Armaflex AC closeup and use on Rehau RAUTITAN

Armacell Armaflex AC closeup and use on Rehau RAUTITAN with Everlock fitting (photo Beodom).

HT/Armaflex installed on copper pipes and Armaflex AC installed on Rehau RAUTITAN

Armaflex AC installed on Rehau RAUTITAN for uderfloor heating verticals and HT/Armaflex installed on copper pipes for solar collectors verticals (photo Beodom).